Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Problem Of Evil And Moral Evil - 1093 Words

Theology Research Paper Erin Washington RLST 160: Introduction to Theology May 5, 2015 Many questions arise when attempts are made to explain the problem of evil and why it exists in our world when God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good. The subject of evil and why it exists is a difficult topic to find an exact answer to, especially when evil is presented in the form of nature. Natural evil and moral evil are two different types of evil that take form and cause suffering to humans. Natural evil is â€Å"events and maladies in nature that bring suffering upon mankind and nature.† Natural evil can be difficult to explain because it does not seem likely that a tornado or hurricane is the result of a human acting in sinful ways. Moral evil has to do with the bad things people do to cause suffering. According to Reese, moral evil is â€Å"by the choice of human free will, an individual breaks a moral, ethical standard and causes suffering upon self, others or nature.† Many ways used to describe the problem of evil are in the form of a theodicy. A th eodicy is an â€Å"attempt to offer different answers to the problem of evil.† Two of the theodicies discussed in this paper will be the Augustinian Theodicy and the Iranaean Theodicy. Both theodicies direct their explanations toward moral evil than natural evil. First, the Augustinian theodicy and the pros and cons associated with its attempt to explain the problem of evil will be discussed. The problem of evil andShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Evil, The Fine Tuning Argument And The Moral Argument1210 Words   |  5 Pagesconcepts that I’m going to talk about which which are the problem of evil, the fine tuning argument and the moral argument. 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