Thursday, May 14, 2020

History of Community Policing - 1780 Words

Ibrahim Bamba Prof: Daniel Simone Class: PSC 245 THE HISTORY OF COMMUNITY POLICING The movement toward community policing has gained momentum in recent years as police and Community leaders search for more effective ways to promote public safety as well as enhance the quality of life in neighborhoods. The roots of community policing come from the civil rights movement in the 1960s.Even though its origin can be traced to this crisis in police-community relations, its development has been influenced by a wide variety of factors over the course of the past fifty years. The civil rights movement (1960s) widespread riots and protests against racial injustices brought Government†¦show more content†¦The difference between these two lay primarily in their implementation. In Flint, foot patrol was part of much broader program designed to involve officers in community problem-solving (Trojanowicz).In contrast, the Newark Foot Patrol Experiment, which was modeled on the study of preventive patrol in Kansas City, focused specifically on whether the increased visibility of officers patrolling on foot helped deter crime. Results from these innovative programs were encouraging. It appeared that foot patrol in Flint significantly reduced citizens’ fear of crime, increased officer morale, and reduced crime. In Newark Citizens were actually able to recognize whether they were receiving higher or lower levels of foot patrol in the neighborhoods. In areas were foot patrol was increased, citizens believed that their crime problems had diminished in relation to other neighborhoods. In addition, they reported more positive attitudes toward the police. Similarly, those officers in Newark who were assigned to foot patrol experienced a more positive relationship with community members, but, in contrast to Flint, foot patrol did not appear to reduce crime. The finding that foot patrol reduced citizen fear of crime demonstrated the importance of a policing tacticShow MoreRelatedEssay on Role of Sir Robert Peel in Starting Community Policing1500 Words   |  6 PagesSir Robert Peel Policing has been a part of America for many decades. In fact, policing was known to exist prior to 1066, the year of the Normandy Invasion of Britain. Throughout the years policing has been a complicated and ongoing progress. The people of England did not have a stabilized policing standard and were often responsible for protecting and serving themselves. 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