Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Zealand Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

New Zealand Politics - Essay Example 457). There can never be a given party dare to jeopardy proceeding to determining election ahead of utilising political marketing tolls with the intention of understanding the New Zealand citizens and have a competitive advantage (Lees-Marshment, 2009). The politicians utilize all pre-elections strategies available, they rebrand themselves; they exploit e-marketing services, conduct research on their opponents and do multiple direct campaigns. In the 2008 election campaigns, the political parties utilised most of these tools, which is no different in 2014. The political parties are relying on all their supporters to vote for them in the coming elections. The Electoral Act of 1993 provides for and governs the present electoral system in New Zealand. New Zealand is a monarchy under the constitution. The Head of State is her majesty Elizabeth II Queen of England for the modelling of the government is adopts British parliamentary system. This is state has a prime minister who heads the opposition and a resident governor general representative of the British monarch. The parliament is New Zealand’s House of Representatives. The prime ministers and the ministers of the crown make up the cabinet. Cabinet members are the members of parliament. New Zealand is a representative democracy and its members of parliament their election is in every three years in the general elections, which are free and fair. Democracy entails fair and periodic elections. The state’s next universal elections will be on 20th September 2014. All the citizens and permanent residents of at least eighteen years old ought to register as voters though not obligatory for them to vote. Nevertheless, the voter turnout in this state is quite high when com pared to other countries (Immigration, 2014). According to Hillman (2009, p.472), â€Å"People may refrain from voting because they think that the probability of their

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