Thursday, July 25, 2019

Collection Planning and Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Collection Planning and Strategies - Essay Example The subsequent steps in the hierarchy include tactical objective, tactical task and measure of performance. Resources are allocated based on the tactical tasks that contribute to the overall performance of the organization (Clark & Cook, 2008). The strategy-to task management serves in other settings and conforms to vision, objective, planning and performance assessment. Firms initially appointed functional managers in their executive teams with an aim of centralizing decisions regarding their functions.However their functions have changed with time, especially in the US. Their newly acquired roles include co-ordination of activities throughout the business unit to aid collection. Secondly, they take part in strategic decision making of the organization together with the CEO with the aim of realizing synergy and efficiency in the organization. Thirdly, they take part in staff management. They organize seminars and workshops where knowledge is imparted on workers. They also assess and review performances of individual workers. Fourthly, they offer expert opinions in their various departments. The functional managers also train other employees on practical skills regarding their

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