Thursday, April 9, 2020

Chapter 10 Essay Example

Chapter 10 Paper In Nancy Walkers fifth-grade classroom, some students are reading above grade-level and some students have not yet become fluent readers. This teachers classroom library should contain: books written at a range of reading levels. In reading workshop, students get critical feedback from their teacher to help them develop as readers during: Conferencing The primary difference between reading workshop and Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) is that only during reading workshop do: teachers provide instruction. In writing workshop, students move through the writing process: At their own pace The benefits of sharing time during writing workshop include all of the following except: it is an appropriate use of time when students have writers block. Which of the following allotments of time is the least appropriate for these components of writing workshop? Independent writing: 10-15 minutes Which of the following statements is not true about establishing a workshop environment? Reading and writing workshops should be part of daily language arts learning. Of the following, the most important feature of literature circles is that students: Select their own reading material The primary purpose of specific roles for literature circles (e.g., word wizard, discussion director, etc.) is to: focus students on aspects of the text that facilitate comprehension and can guide student discussions. In reading logs related to literature circles, it is appropriate for students to write about all of the following except: Personal narratives Which of the following statements is not true with respect to choosing books for literature circles? The teacher does not need to be familiar with all of the book choices When implementing literature circles, effective teachers address strategies and skills by: Teaching mini-lessons The most significant focus of literature circle assessment is on: comprehension demonstrated through reading response. Literature focus units are built around: narrative texts, informational texts, or poetry. Students often create projects at the culmination of literature focus units. A primary goal of these projects is: for students to apply their learning. When a teacher planned a three-month unit based on the novel Because of Winn-Dixie, the principal correctly advised her that: a literature focus unit should be completed in less time. Which of the following is the least significant when constructing the instructional focus of a literature focus unit? The focus used in years past with the text Designing checklists and rubrics is a part of which step in developing a literature focus unit? Assessing students Of the following, the most appropriate way for a teacher using literature focus units to monitor students learning and assign grades would be to: use folders and an assignment checklist. The most distinguishing characteristic of basal reading programs is that they usually have A strong skills component A third-grade student appears to be constantly frustrated by the reading in his anthology. The first thing the teacher should evaluate is the: match of the reading level of the text to the students instructional reading level. When using basal reading programs, effective teachers determine the order in which to introduce various strategies by: using the scope-and-sequence chart included with the reading program. Which of the following is not true regarding the support offered by basal reading programs for struggling readers and English learners (ELs)? Struggling readers and English learners are able to access the lower-level texts provided for independent reading. Which of the following is a characteristic specific to anthologies designed for the primary grades? Features pictures of children and animals

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